Monday, August 6, 2012

Military Church

  This week we had an LTM (Leadership Training Mtg)  Tues through Fri. It was from 9 am to 4 pm each day. I learned a lot!!!! It was fun because I was able to see E Naisbitt and E Lott and all my other real close pals in the mission. I am so proud of Elder Lott. He  has been trainning for the last three weeks and I hear that his greeny is super solid. Maybe I will be a great-grandpa soon.  

During the four days of the LTM, Elder Lott's greeny (E Apadale) was running the area in Norman where I served. He was with another new missionary who had been out for about 8 weeks. Together they set 3 new baptism dates in the four days we were at the LTM!

    On Saturday, the Assistants came to pick me up. Each Sunday the AP's go down to Fort Sill army base (just north of Lawton OK) to teach lessons to the members and non-members on the base. They have a sacrament meeting in a big classroom on the base. I went this week to help them teach. E Fransen also went with us. We spent the night at the Lawton ZL's apartment and on Sunday morning we went to the base. 

  It was a cool experience. They have a sacrement meeting that is way laid-back. The group leader (like a branch pres.) wasn't able to get a video to work for the spiritual message of sacrament meeting so he called on us missionaries to give talks! We had like five minutes to think of what we wanted to talk on. I gave my talk on Faith, based off of Alma 32: 21 & 27and James 2: 15.  I felt good about the talk when I was done, especially since it was imprompu.  

After sacrement meeting, the four missionaries each taught a class on our own. I taught the third lesson about the gospel of Christ.  The lesson was very hard to teach to a bunch of non-member army dudes...and they all looked the same with their camo uniforms and buzzed heads. It wasn't the best lesson I've had.

After church there was a baptism for two of the soldiers. I conducted one of the baptism interviews for one of the soldiers. We watched them yell and march in the heat over to another building where the Church of Christ has a nice chapel and a ghetto baptismal font. I was asked to give another unexpected talk on baptism and the Holy Ghost before the baptism. Then they were baptised in the weirdest font I've ever seen. It wasn't even below ground level. It was raised.   Then they were confirmed.  It was a cool Sunday. I enjoyed going to Fort Sill and I will probably go again. 
    I hope y'all are doing good.
                -Elder Shumway

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